Featured Member

What drew you to MiCHAMP?

I’ve been drawn to MiCHAMP, as it provides a forum for some of the most intelligent and highly-trained UM faculty and graduates to showcase their work and receive feedback from a multidisciplinary panel of expert clinicians, epidemiologists, and data scientists.

What specific expertise do you bring to MiCHAMP?

I am a practicing physician with board certification in anesthesiology and echocardiography, and I am currently seeking clinical informatics board certification. I serve as the Director for Cardiac Anesthesiology Research at University of Michigan. Additionally, I am a cardiac anesthesia clinician lead for the Multicenter Perioperative Outcomes Group (MPOG), an international consortium of perioperative electronic health records across 40 hospitals, for which University of Michigan serves as the Coordinating Center. My anesthesiology, biomedical engineering, and clinical informatics background enables me to have meaningful collaborations with informaticians, who seek to deploy data science methodologies for improving health care.

What are your research interests and how do they tie into MiCHAMP?

My interests include harnessing data science methodologies – including machine learning, natural language processing, and waveform analysis – to improve perioperative care for patients with advanced cardiovascular disease. My clinical background provides me with insight as to what health care problems could potentially benefit from Big Data analyses, and an understanding of opportunities and limitations inherent to electronic health record data. Through connecting with data science experts in MiCHAMP, I am able to receive sophisticated feedback on such methodologies underpinning my research. In return, I am able to provide guidance to MiCHAMP data scientists on projects of their own, focusing on applications of these methodologies which can maximize health impact.

Recent publications

Mathis MR, Kheterpal S, Najarian K. Artificial Intelligence for Anesthesia. Anesthesiology. 2018;129(4):619-622. doi:10.1097/aln.0000000000002384. (PubMed)

Mathis MR, Schechtman SA, Engoren MC, et al. Arterial Pressure Variation in Elective Noncardiac Surgery. Anesthesiology. 2017;126(2):249-259. doi:10.1097/aln.0000000000001460. (PubMed)

Mathis MR, Tremper KK. By FAER Means or Foul. Anesthesia & Analgesia. 2018;126(6):1814-1815. doi:10.1213/ane.0000000000002824 (PubMed)